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Rationale for Lesson 2

LO1: Compare and contrast the affordances of comic strips and books

LO1 fulfills one of the lesson objective identified in the MOE syllabus as shown in the image below: 


(Lim, Weninger, Chia, Nguyen, Tan, Adams, Tan-Chia, Peters, Towndrow & Unsworth, 2020)

Semiotic Resources as choices:

The systematic analysis –– comparison and contrast of the way meaning is conveyed in narrative books and comic strips ––allows students to gain further insights regarding the affordances of each media format and recognizes that the selection of semiotic resources offers choices for varied ways of representation and meaning-making (van Leeuwen, 2017; Tseng & Bateman, 2018).

LO2: Create a comic strip using visual and linguistic semiotic modes while demonstrating awareness of PACC

Consumers & Producers of visual texts:

Apart from being critical consumers of multimodal texts, students are expected to be effective and creative producers of visual texts as well (Rowsell, McLean & Hamilton, 2012).


The activity in lesson 2 also acts as a formative assessment, providing opportunities for students to design, apply and enhance students' viewing and representing skills simultaneously. This allows teachers to check what students have learnt in lesson 1 and alters future lessons accordingly. 

Viewing & representing skills:

A research by Lim, Towndrow & Tan (2021) which unpacked teachers' multimodal pedagogies in the Singapore Primary English Language classroom showed that representing skills were given less attention in the classroom as compared to viewing skills. Coincidentally, or resultantly, it was found that students believed that viewing skills were of higher importance than representing skills (Lim, Towndrow & Tan, 2021). 

           Thus, this lesson package aims to bridge this gap by dedicating relatively balanced attention to explicit teaching of viewing as well as representing skills. 

Additionally, students are prompted to recognise obligatory and optional features of the two text-types, foregrounding the communicative purpose of each and highlighting how the semiotic choices are organised towards fulfilling their respective purposes (Lim, 2018). 

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